Sermon Archive

A listing of all our sermons by series, or scripture

How To Read The Bible

6-part Series

The Bible is God’s revelation to humanity. It is God's inspired Word. It is our only source for completely reliable information about God, but much of it can be confusing upon first inspection. There is the Old Testament, New Testament, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. How do you decipher the different translations, footnotes and cross references? Where do you begin? How can you even start to read the Bible?
last updated on Oct 31, 2021

Way of Wisdom

28-part Series

This is a sermon series through the book of Proverbs. What is a proverb? A proverb is practical. It gives advice and is useful. The book of Proverbs is practical and useful but it is also divinely inspired. Biblical proverbs exhort, encourage, and offer hope!
last updated on Sep 19, 2021


6-part Series

Intention is to have an aim, or a plan, to your actions. We all need to be intentional beings. Luckily God has given us a perfect blueprint for this: the Bible. In this series we will be looking at how to be intentional in our worship, community, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism.
last updated on May 23, 2021

Life. Death. Resurrection. Ascension.

4-part Series

This is a 4-part series that focuses on Jesus' life. This asks the question, "Why does Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and ascension, matter to your life?"
last updated on Apr 11, 2021

Christmas As...

4-part Series

Christmas is most recognized as a cultural holiday, but in this series we will dive into Christmas as history, fulfilled prophecy, revelation, and redemption.
last updated on Dec 24, 2020

Esther's Story

2-part Series

A two-part series through the book of Esther. This series covers the topics of "Where is God in all of this?" and "What if you are here for such a time as this?"
last updated on Nov 8, 2020


8-part Series

In the Bible, God gives us a picture of what a family should look like. There's not an actual photo in there. But there are lots of stories, commands, and descriptions. This series will cover those passages and help us understand what the Bible says.
last updated on Oct 25, 2020

The Gospel of Mark: Series 4

14-part Series

This is the fourth part of a sermon series that goes through the book of Mark. We will be taking this book verse by verse. This is a longer running series through 2020.
last updated on Aug 16, 2020