Part 3 of "Spiritual Gifts." Romans 12:4-8. In this sermon, we cover the gifts of serving, giving, leading, and mercy.
Get ready for an intensely practical series of sermons coming up at Good News Church! Since everyone has occasions in their life where a particular relationship is difficult to navigate, it’s good to know that the Bible has a lot to say about this topic!
View How To Handle Relational DramaSometimes there are thoughts that we'd love to share with you, but they really don't fit anywhere in particular. So we have a blog for just such items.
We also have a large archive of all of our previous sermon series. Feel free to have a listen.
We maintain a few shared playlists on Apple Music & Spotify. They serve two purposes: To allow you to learn songs before we sing them, and to listen to a wider array of songs that we have sung corporately for the life of Good News.
5600 SE 24th St
Ocala, FL 34480
Phone: (352) 229-8901
Email: info@goodnewsocala.com
Good News Church is located off of Baseline Rd in Ocala, FL. Whether you're coming from North, or South FL, it's a quick jaunt on I-75, or just straight up US Hwy 441.
Get DirectionsChurch is not just Sunday mornings. It's a community of believers joined together. Keep in touch with us throughout the week.
Facebook Twitter Join a Community GroupThe stewardship of our finances is a tremendous—and often overlooked—area of our lives where we can faithfully proclaim the gospel. Giving strengthens our devotion to Christ and frees us to live open-handedly with the gifts God gives us. We trust in Him and His provision instead of our perceived self-sufficiency. As people of faith, we give faithfully and generously.
Give Your MoneyJust as we can donate from our finances, we can also donate our time. In this way you can help serve people inside, and outside, the church body. We have many ways in which you can serve:
Part 3 of "Spiritual Gifts." Romans 12:4-8. In this sermon, we cover the gifts of serving, giving, leading, and mercy.
Part 8 of "Life of Paul, Series 3" Acts 21:1-14. In this sermon, we cover two surprising things that happened on Paul's way to Jerusalem.
Part 4 of "Open House," Ephesians 4:11-12 and others. Congratulations, you work here. An explanation of formal and informal ministry.
Part 1 of "Life of Paul", Acts 7:44-8:3. An introduction to the life of Paul, covering some of the early years when he was known as Saul from Tarsus.
Part 4 of "Intentional." Romans 12:4-8 and others. This sermon is about the importance of formal and informal ministry.
A stand-alone sermon addressing racial issues covering Genesis 3:20, Acts 6:1-6, and other verses.
Part 3 of the third "Gospel of Mark" series. Jesus casts a demon out of a boy, and says some curious things.
Part 5 of the series "Making Sense of Church." In this sermon, we learn about tithing and church giving.
Part 5 of the series, "Guard the House." 1 Timothy 3:1-13. In this sermon, we learn about elders and deacons.
Part 3 of the sermon series, "Focused" on Romans 12:4-8 and others. This sermon is an exhortation to Christians to get involved in formal ministry and/or informal ministry.
A sermon on serving. Acts 6:1-7.
The third part of our series, "Whose Stuff Is It Anyway." 1 Corinthians 8:1-4 and others. In this sermon, we will learn about what the Bible does and doesn't say about tithing, and what principles should guide us when it comes to giving.
This is part four of the series, "Why We Do What We Do." Romans 12:4-5 and others. In this sermon, we talk about the connectedness we Christians have with one another and why we ought to serve each other.