Sermons by Scripture

A listing of all our sermons for Matthew 5

March 2, 2025 Mario Villella
Part 6: Forgiveness - What If They Don’t Repent?
How To Handle Relational Drama
Mario Villella

Part 6 of "How to Handle Relational Drama" 1 John 1:9, Matthew 18:15-17, Matthew 5:43-45, and others. A sermon on how to deal with people who will not repent.

February 26, 2023 Mario Villella
Part 3: How To Pick Your Next Crush
To The Married & Unmarried
Mario Villella

Part 3 of "To the Married and Unmarried." This is a sermon for unmarried people and it includes important instructions about who you choose to like/date/marry.

November 27, 2022 Doug Davison
Part 2: Heaven
Heaven: Yes, Hell: No
Doug Davison

What is heaven? Where is heaven? What is heaven like? Who will go to heaven? This sermon addresses these questions and is part 2 of the mini-series: Heaven Yes / Hell No.

November 20, 2022 Doug Davison
Part 1: Hell
Heaven: Yes, Hell: No
Doug Davison

Part 1 in a 2 week mini-series called, "Heaven: Yes, Hell: No". This sermon is about the reality of hell. When it comes to HEAVEN & HELL: There is no greater contrast ever to exist or will ever exist. There is no biblical concept more grim, more terrifying, more abominable than the idea of hell.

May 15, 2022 Doug Davison
Part 3: Generously & Willingly
Spending Someone Else's Money
Doug Davison

Part 3 of "Spending Someone Else's Money". This sermon is about giving to the church and tithing. Acts 2:43-47, 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, Leviticus 27:30-32, 34, Numbers 18:21-28.

October 25, 2020 Mario Villella
Part 8: Dating
Mario Villella

Part 8 of "#familypic." 1 Corinthians 7:39 and others. A sermon on pre-marriage affections.

March 3, 2019 Mario Villella
Part 2: The Death of John the Baptist
The Gospel of Mark: Series 2
Mario Villella

Part 2 of the second series of, "The Gospel of Mark"  Mark 6:14-29. Three exhortations from the gruesome account of John the Baptist's death.

August 20, 2017 Isaac Johnson
Part 2: Love Who?
Isaac Johnson

Part 2 of "Community." Luke 10:25:37. In this sermon, we learn about the parable of the Good Samaritan and what that means to us as Christians with our primary identity being in Christ.

July 16, 2017 Mario Villella
Part 3: Reconcile Quickly
Handling Conflict
Mario Villella

Part 3 of "Handling Conflict." Matthew 18:23-25. In this sermon, we learn about the urgency of reconciliation.

April 30, 2017 Isaac Johnson
Part 9: Worship
Under The Sun
Isaac Johnson

This is the ninth part of our series, "Under The Sun" - Ecclesiastes 5:1-7. In this sermon we learn about the importance of mindful worship of our Lord and Savior.

October 23, 2016 Mario Villella
A Theology Of Thinking
Stand-Alone Sermons (2016)
Mario Villella

This sermon gives an overview on what the Bible teaches about our thoughts.

October 16, 2016 Mario Villella
Forgiveness: What If They’re Not Sorry?
Stand-Alone Sermons (2016)
Mario Villella

This is a practical message that gets into some of the details of forgiveness and reconciliation, and how to handle the sin of an unrepentant person.

January 10, 2016 Mario Villella
How To Pick Your Next Crush
Stand-Alone Sermons (2016)
Mario Villella

In this sermon for unmarried people, we cover several scriptures and how they apply to dating & marriage.

July 7, 2013 Mario Villella
Part 3: Anger vs. Reconciliation
Mario Villella

This is the third sermon in our series, "Emotions." Ephesians 4:26, James 1:19-20 & Matthew 5:21-26. This sermon explains some of what the Bible says about anger.