A Not-So-New Elder Serving On the Governing Board

December 17, 2024 Mario Villella Announcement , Organization

The elders of Good News Church have asked Charles Chazal to serve on the governing board.
The reason I referred to Charles as a “not-so-new elder” (in the title) is because he previously served as an elder on our governing board from early 2017 to early 2023. That was six years in row, which is the maximum amount of years that our church bylaws allow for an elder (other than the lead pastor) to serve without taking a sabbatical year.
Charles took most of 2023 and all of 2024 off from board meetings, but continued to shepherd people in this congregation by being a community group leader during both of those years. So, I think he’s been a community group leader for eight years in a row now. Way to go, Charles!
If you’ve never met Charles before, here’s a bit more about him: He lives here in Ocala with his wife, Mary, and they have four adult children. He has been a commercial insurance agent here in town for a long time. The Chazals typically attend the 11:00am service except when Charles is at both services leading us in musical worship. Most recently, he was the guy singing the song Hymn of Heaven on October 20 and Trust in God on November 17. So, you’ve probably seen him multiple times even if you haven’t personally met him yet.

The current plan is for his first elder meeting back to be the one on January 14.

Whenever we choose someone to serve on the board, we announce it to the congregation through the church newsletter. Then we typically wait about one month. This time period gives the congregation a chance to voice any concerns or character issues that you all believe haven’t been dealt with and/or that you believe we aren’t aware of.

Therefore, I am making this announcement now - about one month before the January meeting. If nothing is revealed to disqualify him, the plan is for him to begin his new term then.

Lastly, a few of you may have further questions about this like, “What does it even mean to serve as an elder on the governing board of Good News?” Questions like that are covered in this earlier article that we published back when we nominated Charles the first time. Feel free to check it out and see if it answers any questions or concerns that you may have.
The person who wrote this article. Find out more information about them below.
Mario Villella

Lead Pastor / Elder

A list of topics covered in this article.