Why We Serve

November 1, 2023 Jenny Stanley Encouragement

Because it’s a nice thing to do.  Or it’s the right thing to do.  Or because Mario or Doug said we should.  These are some reasons why someone might volunteer in KidZone.  And they are fine reasons.  But I wanted to pull back the curtain for a moment and give you a glimpse into how God is working through our KidZone volunteers on the average Sunday here at Good News…

Serving in our baby room, our volunteers understand that it is a gift they give to parents to have an hour each week to focus on worship and preaching and conversations with friends, knowing their babies are well cared for. 

Down the hall, our toddler volunteers sample pretend food made in a plastic kitchen, help children play trains, and supervise safe fun on everyone’s favorite plastic slide, all while a young mom is next door, hearing the Gospel explained for the first time.

Across the hall, preschool children sing a song about thankfulness and learn that God loves them and God’s people love and care for them also.

During the sermon time, a teacher in our kindergarten and first grade class explains that every story in the Bible points to Jesus, knowing the truths in these stories are seeds planted in the hearts of our children.

Next door, our second and third grade teacher reminds the children that the Bible is God’s Word to us and explains what Jesus accomplished when he died and rose again.  She listens to big questions from these deep thinkers and directs them to Bible verses for the answers.  

In our fourth and fifth grade class, the teachers challenge the kids to understand what it means to follow Jesus with their whole life.  He leads them in weekly prayer together, where they share prayer requests and take turns praying for one another.

These are just a few examples of real volunteers and real scenarios that happen on the regular in our KidZone building.  So next time you talk with someone who is a KidZone volunteer, ask them to please share their “why” with you.  I am sure you will be encouraged by the stories they can tell about the work of God in the hearts and lives of the children and families we serve at Good News Church.

“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me. (Colossians 1:28-29)
The person who wrote this article. Find out more information about them below.
Jenny Stanley

Director of Children & Youth

A list of topics covered in this article.