Child Dedications at Good News Church

April 23, 2021 Mario Villella Organization, Announcement

At Good News Church, we often do child dedications on Mother’s Day and/or Fathers Day. Those days are fast approaching (Mother’s day is less than three weeks away, and Father’s Day is about nine weeks away.)

Because of Coronavirus, we haven’t had any child dedications in a while (maybe since 2019?) So there might be quite a number of you (some with newborns, and some with two year olds!) who haven’t dedicated your children but would like to. So, here’s a quick explanation. At Good News, child dedication is a time where Christian parents come up in front of their church and publicly proclaim:
  1. that they understand that their child is a gift and trust from God
  2. that they will train their children up in God’s ways
  3. that they would appreciate help from the rest of the congregation in raising their children in God’s ways.
This year, we will be doing that on both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day - assuming there are people who want to - and if you are one of those people please contact us here.
The person who wrote this article. Find out more information about them below.
Mario Villella

Lead Pastor / Elder

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