So, I suppose there are about two more months left of this school year and then summer is here. Let me give you a little peek at what we are thinking about doing in the next few months:
GOOD FRIDAY & EASTER SERVICES: Our Good Friday services will be at 6:00pm & 7:15pm this Friday. Even though it‘s spring break, we‘d love for you to carve out some time to be a part of one of these two services. This will be a contemplative time of singing, video, and communion; childcare will be provided for children age seven and under. Additionally, next Sunday is Easter. Come celebrate Christ‘s resurrection with us. If you aren‘t bringing a friend or volunteering in a ministry (KidZone, sound booth, etc.) you should probably come to the 8:00am service.
RUTH REDEEMED: At this time, I am planning on preaching a series on the book of Ruth from the Old Testament, after we finish up Places Jesus Went. Sometimes this book is treated like a study on womanhood (as is Esther) but this book really covers some big topics like tragedy, redemption, and there‘s even a connection between Ruth and Jesus. This series should start around May 10.
BFF: A SERIES ON FRIENDSHIP: While it‘s not set in stone, right now I‘m thinking of doing a series on the topic of friendship over the summer (like maybe in July.)
ROYAL FAMILY KIDS CAMP: This summer our church is sponsoring a summer camp for kids who‘ve been abused, neglected or abandoned. This camp is run by volunteers from our church as well as several other local churches. The camp will take place from August 10-14.