What is a community group?
A group of people who make a commitment to meet together, get to know one another, care for each other, and generally help each other out in living the lives God has called them to.
What happens at a community group meeting?
It is often a mixture of hanging out, eating, discussing a Bible passage/topic, and prayer. Groups vary. One group may emphasize one or more of these things a little more than another group.
Why should I be a part of one?
Because making a habit of being in relationship with people who will help you, and making a commitment to be in relationship with people whom you will help are both good for you.
How long does a group last?
For this semester, they will start in September and meet until around Thanksgiving. You would not be making a life-long commitment. It's just for three months. However, if you end up liking your group, you can always continue the friendships and maybe even sign up for the same group or a similar group next time around.
I was involved last spring. Can I be in the same group again? Can I go to a different group this time?
Yes and yes. You can sign up for the same group again (if it still exists) or you may choose to be a part of a different one this time. If you'd like to continue what you were doing back during the spring and it is available, that is fine. If you'd like to try a new group, maybe to get to know even more people from Good News, or perhaps because a different day and time would be better for you, that is fine too!
This Semester's Groups:
Moews/Hoopes Group
For everyone (single, married, all ages).
Wednesdays at 6pm.
Going through GNC Discussion Questions*
Dehart/Hawk Group
For everyone (single, married, all ages).
Thursdays at 7pm.
Going through Gospel Revolution by JD Greear. (Cost: $13)
Haverdink/Miller Group
For everyone (single, married, all ages).
Three Sundays a month at 6:00pm.
Going through GNC Discussion Questions*
Henderson/Young Group
Good for young families.
Mondays at 6pm.
Going through GNC Discussion Questions*
Bowman/Miller Group
Made up mostly of people in their 20's with no children.
Three Thursdays a month at 6:30pm.
Going through GNC Discussion Questions*
Frank Group
Made up of mostly empty nesters.
Every other Sunday at 6:30pm.
Going through GNC Discussion Questions*
Bickhart/Hiatt Group
Made up of mostly people in their 20's and 30's.
Every other Monday night at 6:30pm.
Going through GNC Discussion Questions*
Youth Bible Study Group (led by Dawn Randle)
For Middle School and High School students only.
Every Tuesday at 6:00pm.
Women's Group (led by Cheryl Hawk)
For Women only.
Sundays at 4pm.
Going through Gideon by Priscilla Shirer. (Cost: $13)
Men's Groups (led by Bruce Hawk)
For Men only.
Sundays at 4pm.
Going through The Prodigal God by Tim Keller. (Cost: $15)
Starting Point Group (led by Mario Villella)
For New Christians and not yet Christians.
Meeting day: TBA.
Going through Starting Point by Andy Stanley
*Good News Church provides weekly questions that are related to the current sermon topics.