The Mission Of Good News Church

April 16, 2012 Mario Villella

If you’re new at Good News, you might have heard about our mission to do these three things: Love God, Love each other, and Love people who don’t know God yet. And even if you’ve been here for a while, you might want an explanation about why these three things are so important. So here’s what we mean by those three phrases:

Loving God

This category includes group worship (like when we gather on Sunday mornings) and individual worship (like when we live a God-honoring life throughout the week.) And this is also why we are committed to the Bible. It reveals God to us so that we can worship Him for who He is, and it reveals what He requires of us, so we can think, feel and act like God wants us to.

God is worthy of our all. Growing in our relationship with Him and honoring Him with our lives... there’s nothing more important than that!

Loving Each Other

We believe God has given us each other so that we can encourage each other, accept each other, hold each other accountable, forgive each other, and teach each other. Though this happens somewhat on Sunday mornings when we gather, we believe that this actually happens best throughout the week when we, as Christians, intentionally spend time together, to live life together, and to “spur each other on to love and good deeds.”

We also believe every member is a minister, and that we should all serve one another. That is why we love it when people volunteer to serve. We can’t do what God has called us to do without people stepping up to serve.

Loving People Who Don’t Know God Yet

We have tried to make sure that we are a church that even non-church people like to attend. And we try to stay laser-focused when it comes to this issue. But maintaining that kind of focus is tough. It usually requires putting a disproportionate amount of emphasis on evangelism, and being sensitive to outsiders, just to counteract the natural tendency that all humans have to be inward-focused.

We are trying to be a church that is focused on who we are reaching rather than only focusing on who we are keeping. I hope God has given you good opportunities to invest in the lives of people who aren’t a part of a church. I also hope that our Sunday morning church services have given you the opportunity to have a place to invite someone to.

I know that I ended this article with a preposition, and that it is bad grammar to do so. But, I honestly just don’t care much for that rule. So, I did it anyway, therefore.
The person who wrote this article. Find out more information about them below.
Mario Villella

Lead Pastor / Elder

A list of topics covered in this article.